Monday, April 27, 2009


My task this evening was to spread some more Moss Out! on the lawn. I made peace with the spreader, so to speak, and filled it only 1/2 full. That way the thing kept working until all of the granuales were dispersed. I have found that loading a whole bag of anything in it, causes spreader to malfuntion and then I resort to hand/broadcasting. Also did 3 sprayers full of WeedBGone on my front parking strip. I hope this works!

Another perspective on "upkeep" is what keeps the tulips standing up when they are past their prime?
Look closely at the stems and you see a plant with whorls or a swirl of leaves. This is called cleavers and it has little velcro type grips all up and down it's stem; it wraps around and through the stand of tulips and daffodils and helps them stand upright at this time of their season. Cleavers grows all over in the shadows and underbrush in my neighborhood.

Here is a pairing - first blossom and on it's last legs. Both are pink tulip. Perhaps even the same one.
Weather today - in the mid-50s. Mostly cloudy, but dry. Until after sunset when it started to rain some.

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