Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Fountain of Wonder

This old fountain bed in my yard was created c1920 when we always had plenty of water, and the water came from the house next door. When I acquired this lot, the water was, rightfully, shut off. (It would cost $6,000 or more to reinstate water to this lot which would require new piping, shut off valves, etc. Not cost effective for a vacant lot; maybe if I wanted to develop it, but I don't.

The only water it gets nowadays is from rain, or snow. It has been a very water worthy pool bed - it did not leak, at all!  In the depths of one winter it got full to the brim before I realized I needed to sump pump this pool during the rainy season. And so I've been ever since.

But, finally, I've decided to make a big planter out of it. And today, the first step (beyond me making such decision) was to have the bottom jack-hammered and broken up. Next is putting gravel in the bottom; then garden soil; then the drought resistant, water-wise planting.