Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

First day of May and it got into the low 70s today! Partly cloudy.

I came home to discover that the comfrey is up and putting on blossoms. It grows voluntarily now in places it was never planted (used to be in an herb garden long since gone). Also known as knitbone or boneset for its healing properties.

They say "...comfrey leaves are of much value as an external remedy, both in the form of fomentations, for sprains, swellings and bruises, and as a poultice, to severe cuts. The whole plant, beaten to a cataplasm and applied hot as a poultice, has always been deemed excellent for soothing pain in any tender, inflamed or suppurating part. It is useful in any kind of inflammatory swelling."

The squirrel was stationed above the comfrey in the walnut tree diligently chomping on a nut. Found this on internet: "Squirrels do fall, but they use their tail as a parachute and when they land their tail is used as a cushion. They rarely get hurt from a short fall. But they can sustain broken bones, or severe spinal injuries from a awkward landing."

He would land in the right spot - a comfrey patch!

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